Teach Yourself Series (TYS) and Teach Yourself Video Series (TYS-VS) Samples!

Below are samples of the Teach Yourself Series, under each subject there is a selection of three topics so that you can get an idea of the format and structure.

Accounting TYS                                                                

Accounting Topic 8 - Accounting Reports

Accounting Topic 10 - Balance Day Adjustments

Accounting Topic 11 - Analysing Business Performance

Accounting TYS-VS

Accounting Topic 2 - Qualitative Characteristics

Accounting Topic 3 - Accounting Elements

Accounting Topic 8 - Accounting Reports

Accounting Topic 10 - Balance Day Adjustments


Biology TYS

Biology Topic 10 - DNA replication and protein synthesis

Biology Topic 12 - Molecular biology


Business Management TYS

Business Management Topic 6 - Business objectives & strategies

Business Management Topic 9 - Managing Operations

Business Management Topic 11  - Managing Change


Business Management TYS-VS

Business Management Topic 4 - Management styles, skills & culture

Business Management Topic 5 - Marketing a business

Business Management Topic 9 - Managing Operations

Business Management Topic 11  - Managing Change

Chemistry TYS

Chemistry Topic 1 - pH

Chemistry Topic 4 - Redox

Chemistry Topic 5 - Electrolysis


Data Analytics TYS

Data Analytics Topic 1 - Problem Solving Methodology

Data Analytics Topic 2 - Project Management

Data Analytics Topic 8 - Networks & Cyber Security


Economics TYS

Economics Topic 6 - Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply

Economics Topic 9 - Monetary Policy

Economics Topic 11 - Living Standards

Economics TYS-VS

Economics Topic 1 - Relative Scarcity

Economics Topic 2 - Markets

Economics Topic 8 - Budgetary Policy

Economics Topic 11 - Living Standards

English Language TYS

English Language Topic 1 - Metalanguage

English Language Topic 2 - Grammar

English Language Topic 3 - Subsystems of language


English Language TYS-VS

English Language Topic 3 - Subsystems of Language

English Language Topic 4 - Nature and Function of Language

English Language Topic 9 - Language Variation in Australian Society

English Language Topic 11 - Individual and Group Identities


Food Studies TYS

Food and Technology Topic 4 - Food in Australia - food trends

Food and Technology Topic 8 - The science of food

Food and Technology Topic 12 - Ethical decisions in food choice


Further Mathematics TYS

Further Maths Topic 1 - Univariate and Bivariate Data

Further Maths Topic 3 - Time Series

Further Maths Topic 11 - Measurement and Trigonometry


Further Maths TYS-VS

Further Maths Topic 2 - Time Series

Further Maths Topic 3 - Regression Analysis

Further Maths Topic 10 - Directed Graphs

Further Maths Topic 13 - Linear Equations


Geography TYS

Geography Topic 2 - Importance of water in Australia

Geography Topic 3 - The Impacts of Land Use 

Geography Topic 4 - Global Distribution of Land Cover - School Samples

Global Politics TYS

Global Politics Topic 1 - ARP states and intergovernmental organisations 

Global Politics Topic 3 - Power in the Asia-Pacific Australia

Global Politics Topic 8 -  Ethical Issues and Debates Human Rights


Health and Human Development TYS

Health and Human Development Topic 3 -  Major nutrients important for health and wellbeing

Health and Human Development Topic 10 - Population Groups

Health and Human Development Topic 14 - Australian Dietary Guidelines and Nutrition Australia

Health and Human Development TYS-VS

Health and Human Development Topic 7 - Prenatal Development

Health and Human Development Topic 9 - Measuring Health Status

Health and Human Development Topic 13 - Australia's Health System

Health and Human Development Topic 15 - High, Middle and Low Income Countries


History: Revolutions (American) TYS

History: Revolutions Topic 1 - Chronology of key events

History: Revolutions Topic 2 - Historians views on the causes and consequences of revolution

History: Revolutions Topic 3 - Trigger factors that contributed to the revolution


History: Revolutions (Chinese) TYS

History: Revolutions Topic 1 - Chronology of key events

History: Revolutions Topic 2 - Historians views

History: Revolutions Topic 3 - Trigger Factors that contributed to the revolution


History: Revolutions (French) TYS

History: Revolutions Topic 1 - Chronology of key events

History: Revolutions Topic 2 - Historians views

History: Revolutions Topic 3 - Trigger factors that contributed to the revolution


History: Revolutions (Russian) TYS

History: Revolutions Topic 1 - Chronology of key events

History: Revolutions Topic 2 - Historiography

History: Revolutions Topic 3 - Trigger factors that contributed to the revolution


Legal Studies TYS

Legal Studies Topic 4 - Strengths and weaknesses of our law-makers

Legal Studies Topic 6 - Key features of Criminal Law

Legal Studies Topic 7 - Issues in Civil Law


Mathematical Methods TYS

Maths Methods Topic 1 - Curve Sketching 1

Maths Methods Topic 3 - Functions & Relations

Maths Methods Topic 5 - Transformations of functions


Mathematical Methods TYS-VS

Maths Methods Topic 1 - Curve Sketching 1

Maths Methods Topic 3 - Functions & Relations

Maths Methods Topic 5 - Transformations of functions

Maths Methods Topic 7 - Rates of Change

Maths Methods Topic 9 - Integral Calculus

Media TYS

Media Topic 1 - Narrative, characteristics, construction, codes and conventions to convery meaning

Media Topic 2 - Narrative - audience engagement, consumption and reception for present day

Media Topic 9 - Agency and control - ethical and legal issues


Media TYS-VS

Media Topic 2 - Narrative - audience engagement, consumption and reception for present day

Media Topic 4 - From development to distribution - The VCE Media production purpose

Media Topic 5 - Agency & Control - the dynamic and changing relationship between the media and audience

Media Topic 6 - Agency and control - the extent of media and audience influence, communication theories and media research

Media Topic 8 - Agency & Control - globalisation and the rise of social media, audience agency and the struggle for power


Outdoor and Environmental Studies TYS

Outdoor and Environmental Studies Topic 2 - Relationships with outdoor environments

Outdoor and Environmental Studies Topic 9 - Biodiversity

Outdoor and Environmental Studies Topic 11 - Conflicts of interest between people involved in uses of outdoor environments


Outdoor and Environmental Studies TYS-VS

Outdoor and Environmental Studies Topic 1 - Types and characteristics of outdoor environments

Outdoor and Environmental Studies Topic 3 - Different understandings of outdoor environments

Outdoor and Environmental Studies Topic 4 - Historical relationships with outdoor environments

Outdoor and Environmental Studies Topic 6 - Sustainability and sustainable development

Outdoor and Environmental Studies Topic 8 - The state and importance of healthy outdoor environments in Australia

Outdoor and Environmental Studies Topic 9 - Impacts on outdoor environments


Physical Education TYS

Physical Education  Topic 1 - Energy Systems - Food Fuels

Physical Education Topic 15 - Relationships between Physical Activity, Health and Society

Physical Education Topic 16 - Contemporary Issues associated with Physical Activity and Sport


Physical Education TYS-VS

Physical Education Topic 11 - Energy for physical activity: fuels

Physical Education Topic 12 - Energy for physical activity: Characteristics of energy systems

Physical Education Topic 13 - Energy for physical activity: Interplay

Physical Education Topic 14 - Fatigue and Recovery

Physical Education Topic 18 -Training program: activity analysis

Physical Education Topic 20 - Improving fitness: training sessions and monitoring

Physics TYS

Physics Topic 11 - Properties of Mechanical Waves

Physics Topic 12 - Light as a Wave

Physics Topic 15 - Wavelike Nature of Matter

Physics TYS-VS

Physics Topic 1 - Projectile Motion

Physics Topic 6 - Electric Fields

Physics Topic 10 - Transmission of Electricity

Physics Topic 15 - Wavelike Nature of Matter


Product Design & Technology TYS

Product Design & Technology Topic 3 - Drawing Techniques

Product Design & Technology Topic 7 - Material and Process Testing

Product Design & Technology Topic 12 - Risk Management

Psychology TYS

Psychology Topic 1 - Research Methods

Psychology Topic 9 - The Nature of Conciousness

Psychology Topic 10 - The Importance of Sleep

Psychology TYS-VS

Psychology Topic 2 - Ethical Principles

Psychology Topic 5 - Neural basis of Learning and Memory

Psychology Topic 9 - Nature of Consciousness

Psychology Topic 11 - Defining Mental Health

Software Development TYS

Software Development Topic 1 - Problem Solving Methodology

Software Development Topic 6 - Software Requirement Specifications

Software Development Topic 7 - Sorting and Searching Algorithms


Specialist Mathematics TYS

Specialist Maths - Topic 1 - Coordinate Geometry

Specialist Maths - Topic 11 - Vector Calculus

Specialist Maths Topic 13 - Forces - Dynamics and Statics


Specialist Maths TYS-VS

Specialist Maths Topic 1 - Coordinate Geometry

Specialist Maths Topic 8 - Anti-differentiation Techniques

Specialist Maths Topic 10 - Integration

Specialist Maths Topic 11 - Vector Calculus

Specialist Maths Topic 12 - Kinematics

Specialist Maths Topic 14 - Statistics

Specialist Maths Topic 15 - Probability

Studio Arts TYS

Studio Arts Topic 4 - Materials, Techniques and Processes

Studio Arts Topic 10 - Two Exhibition Spaces

Studio Arts Topic 11 - Exam Preparation


Systems Engineering TYS

Systems Engineering Topic 5 - Systems Energy

Systems Engineering Topic 8 - Electrotechnological Components & Operation


Visual Communication Design TYS

Visual Communication Design Topic 1 - Rendering

Visual Communication Design Topic 2- Technical Drawing - Industrial

Visual Communication Design Topic 8 - The Design Process


Visual Communication Design TYS-VS

Visual Communication Design Topic 5 - Typography

Visual Communication Design Topic 6 - Design felds - environmental, communication and industrial

Visual Communication Design Topic 9 - Purpose, audience and context

Visual Communication Design Topic 12 - The Design Elements and Principles


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