Click here to expore our VCE programs now!
At TSSM students will be able to attend our classes In-person at TSSM's VCE Centre in Melbourne or attend the classes on TSSM's Live and Online Platform, ensuring that those who are unable or unwilling to travel into the city will still have access to our exceptional VCE programs and excellent teachers.
TSSM will always adhere to government guidlines when running our in person classes ensuring that every student and teacher are safe and well in our exceptional learning environments.
Please carefully read and adhere to TSSM's Sick Policy. Click here.
COVID-19 - Important Information Regarding your Safety at TSSM. Please carefully read information regarding your safety at TSSM. Click here.
Our team at TSSM are dedicated to continue to support VCE students throughout their year 11 and 12 journey and we will do whatever is necessary to provide students with as much access to our renoun courses throughout this year.
On behalf of everyone at TSSM, we thank you for your support, and hope we can continue helping VCE students be the best they can be!
For any further queries please contact TSSM today on 1300 134 518 or by email on info@tssm.com.au so that we can assist you with your child's VCE exam preparation. We can help make it a successful journey!