Miss Marissa Lee
Miss Marissa Lee
Ringwood Secondary College
Extra Subject Information:
Position Held at School:
Head of English Language, Senior VCE Teacher, VCE Assessor and VCE Author
VCE Subject(s) Teaching:
English Language
Bachelor of Arts
Diploma of Languages (French)
Master of Teaching (Secondary)
Role at TSSM:
Marissa has been part of the TSSM’s English team since 2024. She is an extremely passionate teacher who enjoys seeing her students achieve their learning outcomes while scoring impressive study scores.
Marissa has taught senior English Language since 2016, giving her extensive experience in the subject. Marissa is a motivated teacher who makes use of available resources to enhance and improve her teaching abilities so her students can continue to excel.
Marissa has a unique background as she is the creator and leader of Active Club, helping students to keep fit and healthy in addition to their academic studies. In addition to her excellent knowledge of the English language, Marissa is also fluent in French, helping her to really teach her students how languages actually work.
Marissa also plays an important role in producing high quality VCE resources used by many teacher and students in English Language for TSSM.
Teaching Philosophy:
Marissa believes education is a gift and a privilege, and language is a powerful tool that opens many doors.
All things language, including reading and writing
Sport, fitness and recreation
Animals and animal rights