Dr. Nicholas Moll
Dr. Nicholas Moll
Ballarat Christian College
Extra Subject Information:
Position Held at School:
Senior VCE Teacher and VCE Author
VCE Subject(s) Teaching:
English, English Language, Literature
Master of Education
Doctorate of Philosophy (Literature)
Certificate in Education (Tertiary Education)
Diploma of Health Care Documentation
Bachelor of Arts (Honours)
Role at TSSM:
Dr. Nicholas Moll has been part of TSSM’s English team since 2023, and has taken up opportunities to teach English, English Language and Literature to many students. This has provided him with the chance to quickly develop as a VCE English teacher, leading his students towards impressive study scores.
Nicholas is extremely knowledgeable, which gives him the ability to simplify difficult topics helping his students achieve exceptional results throughout their VCE journey.
Dr. Nicholas Moll is a motivated teacher who makes use of available resources to enhance and improve his teaching abilities so his students can continue to excel.
Teaching Philosophy:
Nicholas is a humanistic education drawing inspiration from Maslow. Nicholas works to make learning experiences collaborative and collegial.
Board and Video games